智能网 系统知识 attributed|be attributed to

attributed|be attributed to

(1)“attributed”原指“归因”,即把某物归因于某人或某物。例如:The success of the project is largely attributed to John's hard work. 这个项目的成功很大程度上。


(1)“attributed”原指“归因”,即把某物归因于某人或某物。例如:The success of the project is largely attributed to John's hard work. 这个项目的成功很大程度上要归因于约翰的辛勤工作。

(2)attributed还可以指“赋予”,指赋予某物某种性质或属性。例如:The magazine attributed many of the environmental problems to human activities. 这本杂志把许多环境问题归结为人类活动。

(3)多年来,学者们将attributed这个词用来描述对一个事件或概念所做的解释或描述。例如:The decline was attributed to factors such as the high cost of raw materials. 这种衰退被归因于诸如原材料成本高昂等因素。

attributed|be attributed to

(4)也有人使用attributed来表示“传说中”或“据信”,指某件事物本身或背后的原因是被传说中的,比如神话或传说,而没有可靠的证据证明它。例如:The castle is attributed to a legendary band of knights. 这座城堡据信是由一群传说中的骑士建造的。

(5)attributed还可以指特定的力量或能量的来源。例如:The old building was attributed to a strong earthquake a few years ago. 几年前的强烈地震使这座老建筑倒塌。

(6)此外,attributed还可以指一个作品(通常是文学作品)的作者或是一部作品的原始起源,比如把某一部作品归属于某一特定的作者,或把一部作品传给另一个撰写者。例如:The novel was attributed to William Shakespeare. 这本小说被认为是威廉·莎士比亚的作品。

1. attributed – to give credit or responsibility to someone else for an achievement, idea or opinion.

2. The term “attributed” can be used in many different contexts. It generally suggests the recognition of some form of achievement and the assigning of credit for that achievement to a particular individual, group, or organization.

3. For example, a film might be “attributed” to a certain director, meaning that the director is widely credited for having conceived, written, and directed the film. Similarly, a book might be “attributed” to a certain writer, implying that the writer is widely recognized for being the author of the work.

4. In some contexts the term “attributed” can be used to suggest a sharing of responsibility rather than a single individual being credited. For instance, a team effort may be “attributed” to a particular group or organization, meaning that they have had an input into a project or idea and should be recognized for their contribution.

5. “Attributed” can also be used to refer to ideas or opinions that have been originated and widely accepted by a particular individuals, even if they are not directly responsible for propagating the idea or opinion. For example, a certain phrase or concept may be “attributed” to a certain professor despite the professor never having specifically mentioned or written the phrase or concept. Rather, the professor’s work and teachings may have influenced the idea or opinion which has been widely accepted and is now seen to be an attribute of the professor.

